Parade Held by Crookston School to Uplift Students Affected by COVID-19 Lockdown

COVID-19 Wave By School Parade In Crookston, Minnesota For Students Stuck At Home CROOKSTON, MN ( We students at home during the Coronavirus crisis a “Wave by Parade” was organized in Crookston, Minnesota Friday afternoon. Parents drove their kids by teachers, who were lined up outside the school to say hi as students work from… Continue reading Parade Held by Crookston School to Uplift Students Affected by COVID-19 Lockdown

Swift: 5 years ago, COVID-19 shut down our world. How did it change us? – InForum

FARGO — It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since COVID-19 shut down the world as we know it, because the pandemic affected every single thing — including our perception of time. Like 9/11 or any world-changing event, we’ve organized our mental calendar according to B.C. (Before COVID) and A.C. (After COVID). As… Continue reading Swift: 5 years ago, COVID-19 shut down our world. How did it change us? – InForum

COVID-19 Detected at Nursing Home in Grafton, North Dakota

COVID-19 Found At Grafton, North Dakota Nursing Home GRAFTON, ND ( One resident and 2 staff members have tested positive for COVID-19 At Lutheran Sunset Nursing home in Grafton, North Dakota.

TRF News Reporter Neil Berg Undergoes COVID-19 Testing

TRF News Reporter, Neil Berg Gets Tested For COVID-19 GRAND FORKS, ND ( Here’s a look at what it’s like to be tested for COVID-19. reporter, Neil Berg took part in a public, mass testing event in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Title: LM Wind Power Closure Due to COVID-19: 9 Out of 900 Employees Test Positive

So Far, 9 of 900 Employees Confirmed Positive, Statement On Closure Of LM Wind Power Due To COVID-19 GRAND FORKS, ND ( We now have an extensive statement from GE, the owner of LM Wind Power in Grand Forks, regarding the plant’s closure due to employees testing positive for COVID-19. The plant employs 900 people… Continue reading Title: LM Wind Power Closure Due to COVID-19: 9 Out of 900 Employees Test Positive

Watch Full COVID-19 Conference: Minnesota Gov. Walz Announces Closure of Bars, Restaurants, and More at 5 PM Today

WATCH ENTIRE NEWS COVID-19 CONFERENCE: MN Gov. Walz Closes Bars, Restaurants & More Today, 5 PM ST. PAUL, MN ( Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has issued an executive order that closes bars, restaurants and more today, March 17th at 5 pm in response to Coronavirus. Grocery stores, pharmacies and hardware stores will remain open.

Digi-Key COVID-19 Update: 3,600 Employees in Thief River Falls, MN

DIGI-KEY COVID-19 STATEMENT: Employs 3,600 People In Thief River Falls, MN THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( Statement from Digi-Key Electronics in Thief River Falls, Minnesota regarding their response to COVID-19.

Suspected COVID-19 Outbreak Reported at Nursing Home in Mayville, ND

Apparent COVID-19 Outbreak At Mayville, ND Nursing Home MAYVIILLE, ND ( We have an apparent outbreak of COVID-19 at a Mayville, North Dakota nursing home.

Significant COVID-19 Outbreak Confirmed at Grand Forks Plant, Awaiting Full Test Results

Major Outbreak Of COVID-19 Confirmed At Grand Forks Plant, Not All Test Results In GRAND FORKS, ND ( Officials have confirmed a major outbreak of COVID-19 AT LM Wind Power in Grand Forks. The Health Department says 68 more people have tested positive for Coronavirus in the past 24 hours. * Officials say the current… Continue reading Significant COVID-19 Outbreak Confirmed at Grand Forks Plant, Awaiting Full Test Results

Claims Suggest Officials Knew About COVID-19 Issues at Grand Forks Plant Well Before Shutdown

Claims Made Officials Were Aware Of COVID-19 Problem At Grand Forks Plant, Long Before Shutdown GRAND FORKS, NDA ( A Grand Forks Attorney tells TRF News that he’s interviewed multiple employees from LM Wind …

COVID-19: Reflections and Insights from Sunday Morning in Grand Forks, North Dakota

COVID-19: Sunday Morning Comments And Reflections From Grand Forks, North Dakota GRAND FORKS, ND ( Sunday morning thoughts and reflections on COVID-19 from viewers.

COVID-19: Mahnomen’s Shooting Star Casino Prepares 1,000 Daily Meals

COVID-19: Shooting Star Casino In Mahnomen Preparing 1,000 Meals A Day MAHNOMEN, MN ( The Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen is preparing 1,000 meals a day for delivery around the White Earth Nation.

Our Unusual World: A Psychic’s Story of COVID-19

OUR STRANGE WORLD: A Psychic's Tale Of COVID-19? UNITED STATES ( If our world hasn’t gotten strange enough with the COVID-19 virus, here’s a passage from self proclaimed psychic, Sylvia Browne’s book, “End of Days”.

Here is your uplifting COVID-19 story of the day from Drayton, North Dakota

It's Your COVID-19 “Feel Good” Story Of The Day From Drayton, North Dakota DRAYTON, ND ( COVID-19 and social distancing cancelled 7-yearr old Jasper’s birthday party. But, that didn’t stop the community of Drayton, North Dakota from giving him a birthday parade!

Breaking News: Seven New COVID-19 Cases in North Dakota; Grand Forks Reports Zero, Cass County Reports Ten

BREAKING NEWS: 7 New ND COVID-19 Cases, Grand Forks 0, Cass 10 BISMARCK, ND ( The State Health Department is reporting 7 new cases of Coronavirus in North Dakota Friday morning …

Grand Forks COVID-19 Press Briefing: Governor to Announce Details at 4 PM

Grand Forks COVID-19 News Conference: Specifics Coming From Governor At 4 PM GRAND FORKS, ND ( Grand Forks Officials say the Governor will be laying out specifics regarding an enhanced COVID-19 response at 4 pm.

Confirmed COVID-19 Case(s) at Grand Forks Manufacturing Facility

Positive Case(s) Of COVID-19 At Grand Forks Manufacturing Plant GRAND FORKS, ND ( We’ve confirmed at least 1 positive case of COVID-19 at LM Wind Power in Grand Forks and there may be more. The plant produces wind generator blades and employs several hundred people.

Gun Allegedly Bought in Preparation for COVID-19 Unrest

Allegedly Purchased Gun In Case Of COVID-19 Anarchy THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( A convicted predatory offender is facing more criminal charges, after allegedly stating he purchased a gun to protect his mother in case anarchy developed due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

UPDATE: COVID-19 Forces Erskine Foreign Exchange Student to Return to Germany, Despite Heartfelt Appeal

UPDATE: COVID-19 Sends Erskine Foreign Exchange Student Back To Germany, Despite Impassioned Plea ERSKINE, MN ( German has cancelled visas and a student exchange program. It means a German foreign exchange student in Erskine, Minnesota will be on her way home this week, despite her impassioned plea on facebook.

COVID-19 Case Identified at North Dakota Medical Center

COVID-19 Case Reported At North Dakota Medical Center RUGBY, ND ( The Heart of America Medical Center in Rugby, North Dakota is reporting on its facebook page that special precautions are being taken, after a COVID-19 case was found there.

GF News Conference: Insufficient Supplies for Comprehensive Testing in LM Wind Power COVID-19 Outbreak

GF NEWS CONFERENCE: Not Enough Supplies To Test Everyone Involved In LM Wind Power COVID-19 Outbreak GRAND FORKS, ND ( Officials confirmed during the Grand Forks virtual news conference on Friday afternoon that there …

Breaking News: Minnesota Reports 143 New COVID-19 Cases and 13 Additional Deaths on Sunday

BREAKING NEWS: Minnesota Reporting 143 New COVID-19 Cases & 13 More Deaths Sunday ST. PAUL, MN ( The State of Minnesota is reporting 143 new Coronavirus cases on this Sunday and 13 more deaths.

Breaking News: North Dakota Reports 10 New COVID-19 Cases and 1 Additional Death on Tuesday

BREAKING NEWS: North Dakota Reporting 10 New COVID-19 Cases & 1 More Death Tuesday BISMARCK, ND ( The North Dakota Health Department is reporting 10 new cases of Coronavirus and 1 more death on this Tuesday.

UPDATE: Tribal Chairman Addresses Concerns About Lack of COVID-19 Information

UPDATE: Tribal Chairman Responds To Frustrations Over No COVID-19 News WHITE EARTH, MN ( On Monday evening TRF News published a story that tribal members who had been laid off from the jobs, because of COVID-19 were frustrated about no news regarding their future from tribal leadership. Tribal Chairman, Michael Fairbanks posted a response on… Continue reading UPDATE: Tribal Chairman Addresses Concerns About Lack of COVID-19 Information

East Grand Forks Resident Shares Her Struggle With COVID-19

East Grand Forks Coronavirus Victim Talks About Her Battle With The Virus EAST GRAND FORKS, MN ( We have an interview with Dinita Funez of East Grand Forks. She was 1 of around 130 LM Wind Power employees to test positive for Coronavirus, along with 1 of her children. She talks about her battle with… Continue reading East Grand Forks Resident Shares Her Struggle With COVID-19

Another Major Employer in Grand Forks Grapples With COVID-19

Another Large Grand Forks Employer Dealing With COVID-19 GRAND FORKS, ND ( Another large Grand Forks employer, Simplot and Ag World are dealing with 2 positive cases of COVID-19. The facility will be temporarily shutdown for cleaning,

Breaking News: North Dakota Reports 57 New COVID-19 Cases and 1 Additional Death on Sunday

BREAKING NEWS: North Dakota Reporting 57 New COVID-19 Cases Sunday & 1 More Death BISMARCK, ND ( North Dakota is reporting 57 new Coronavirus cases on this Sunday and 1 more death.

The number of COVID-19 cases in Grand Forks rises to 110, leading to quarantine for all 880 employees.

COVID-19 Outbreak In Grand Forks Rises To 110 Cases, All 880 Employees Quarantined GRAND FORKS, ND ( The number of COVID-19 cases at LM Wind Power in Grand Forks has risen to 110, after 374 of 426 test results have been completed. The entire work force of 880 has been put under quarantine. One person… Continue reading The number of COVID-19 cases in Grand Forks rises to 110, leading to quarantine for all 880 employees.

URGENT UPDATE: Minnesota Reports 66 New COVID-19 Cases

BREAKING NEWS: 66 New Cases Of Coronavirus In Minnesota ST. PAUL, MN ( Minnesota is now reporting 235 cases of Coronavirus, that’s 66 more than Sunday. There are still only 2 reported cases in Clay County.

UPDATE: Polk County Health Department Addresses COVID-19 Allegations at Crookston’s Care & Share Facility

UPDATE: Polk County Health Dept. Responds To Claims Of COVID-19 At Crookston's, Care & Share CROOKSTON, MN ( The Polk County Health Department has responded to claims of COVID-19 exposure to people who used the food shelf at Crookston’s, “Care & Share” shelter.