Thief River Falls: Recent Sentencings and Arrests

Thief River Falls ( — 🚔 Local law enforcement agencies have reported multiple arrests and sentencings, including felony drug charges, DWI offenses, and traffic violations in Thief River Falls and surrounding areas. 📌 Key Sentencing and Arrests: Felony Drug and DWI Cases 🔹 Enoch Chevront Evenson, 48, Thief River Falls Felony fifth-degree controlled substance conviction –… Continue reading Thief River Falls: Recent Sentencings and Arrests

Minnesota State Patrol & Pennington County Court Cases: Thief River Falls, MN

📍 Thief River Falls, MN – Several individuals recently faced charges and sentencing in Pennington County District Court, ranging from driving offenses to domestic abuse violations and disorderly conduct. 🚨 Minnesota State Patrol Cases: ✔️ Justin Lee Armstrong, 46, Thief River Falls Charge: Felony failure to register as a predatory offender (subsequent offense dismissed) ✔️Continue reading Minnesota State Patrol & Pennington County Court Cases: Thief River Falls, MN

Thief River Falls and Pennington County Court Cases – Recent DWI, Drug, and Traffic Charges

📍 Thief River Falls, MN (—Several individuals have recently been sentenced in Thief River Falls and surrounding areas for offenses including DWI, drug possession, traffic violations, and other criminal charges. Thief River Falls Police Department Cases: Janella Rose Rude, 44, Plummer Charge: Gross misdemeanor third-degree DWI (one aggravating factor) Sentence: $415 fine 364 days in… Continue reading Thief River Falls and Pennington County Court Cases – Recent DWI, Drug, and Traffic Charges