DANGEROUS FUGITIVE ALERT: James Douglas Holmes on the Run in Dakota County

James Douglas Holmes

Dakota County (trfnews.i234.me) — A convicted domestic assault offender, James Douglas Holmes, is now a wanted fugitive, and authorities are warning the public to be on high alert. Holmes, born on March 24, 1980, was last released from custody on July 24, 2024, but has since violated his release terms and has been on the… Continue reading DANGEROUS FUGITIVE ALERT: James Douglas Holmes on the Run in Dakota County

Minnesota DOC: Derrick James Holmes Jr. Wanted as Fugitive for Drug Charges

Derrick James Holmes Jr.

Anoka County, Minnesota – Derrick James Holmes Jr., born on September 7, 1986, is currently wanted as a fugitive by the Minnesota Department of Corrections (MNDOC) as of December 5, 2024. Holmes was convicted on drug-related charges in Anoka County under Case #02-CR-18-3270. He was sentenced on February 3, 2020, and was last released from… Continue reading Minnesota DOC: Derrick James Holmes Jr. Wanted as Fugitive for Drug Charges

Highway 27 at Mile Marker 71, HOLMES CITY TWP, Douglas County Crash

Incident Incident type: Injury ICR: 24902399 Date/Time: 12/15/2024 18:18   District: 2900 Detroit Lakes Case Information Contact: 218-846-8260 Media Contact:   Location: Highway 27 at Mile Marker 71, HOLMES CITY TWP, Douglas County   Description: The Chrysler Town & Country was turning left onto Highway 27 from County Road 4. The Chrysler Sebring was traveling… Continue reading Highway 27 at Mile Marker 71, HOLMES CITY TWP, Douglas County


  Offender Profile Track Offender Offender Primary Information Name: HOLMES, JERRY VERL SR Aliases: Birthdate: 8/3/1967 Sex: MALE Race: WHITE Height: 6′ 0″ Weight: 180 LBS Eye Color: BLUE Hair Color: BROWN Skin: LIGHT BROWN Registration Expiration: LIFETIME Risk Level: HIGH Registration Status: INCARCERATED Scars, Marks & Tattoos Observed Category Item/Location Description 7/7/2022 TAT BACK… Continue reading HOLMES, JERRY VERL SR

Southbound Highway 114 / County Road 4, HOLMES CITY TWP, Douglas County Crash 2024-04-21 17:17:05

Incident Incident type: Injury ICR: 24900608 Date/Time: 04/21/2024 15:31   District: 2900 Detroit Lakes Case Information Contact: 218-846-8260 Media Contact:   Location: Southbound Highway 114 / County Road 4, HOLMES CITY TWP, Douglas County   Description: GMC pickup southbound on Highway 114, ran off road and crashed into right ditch.     Road Condition: Dry… Continue reading Southbound Highway 114 / County Road 4, HOLMES CITY TWP, Douglas County
Crash 2024-04-21 17:17:05