Grand Forks Resident Snow Megan Allery Charged with Burglary and Theft

Snow Megan Allery

GRAND FORKS, ND ( – According to court documents, on January 18th, 24-year-old Snow Megan Allery from Grand Forks was charged with felony burglary and misdemeanor theft. She allegedly entered a Grand Forks apartment, taking a phone charger and charging brick. Allery was found in the building and admitted to the theft. I’m Chris Harper,… Continue reading Grand Forks Resident Snow Megan Allery Charged with Burglary and Theft


Offender Profile Track Offender Offender Primary Information Name: ALLERY, LESLIE RAYMOND Aliases: ALLERY, LES ALLERY, LESLIE RAYMOND JR ALLERY, LESTER R Birthdate: 4/1/1978 Sex: MALE Race: WHITE Height: 6′ 1″ Weight: 255 LBS Eye Color: BROWN Hair Color: BLACK Skin: MEDIUM Registration Expiration: LIFETIME Risk Level: HIGH Registration Status: REGISTERED Scars, Marks & Tattoos Observed… Continue reading SEX OFFENDER ALLERY, LESLIE RAYMOND