Sunday Update: Pipeline Protests and Murder Suspect Search in Northwest Minnesota

SUNDAY UPDATE: Pipeline Protestors & Search For Murder Suspect In Northwest Minnesota NORTHWEST MINNESOTA ( A Sunday update on the Enbridge pipeline protests near Thief River Falls and search for murder suspect, Eric Reinbold near Oklee in northwest Minnesota.

Minneapolis Police Officer Struck by Trash Can Lid

Minneapolis Police Officer Knocked Down By Trash Can Lid To Head MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( & A Minneapolis Police Officer was injured when he was hit in the head by the lid of a trash can during rioting and looting this week.

Amid Intense Protests, Grand Forks Council Approves Land Annexation for Fufeng Corn Processing Plant

Despite Threatening Protests, Grand Forks Council Annexes Land For Fufeng Corn Processing Plant GRAND FORKS, ND ( The Grand Forks City Council voted to annex land for a new, massive corn processing plant on Monday, despite threatening protests by some.

Reflecting on the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests: Unveiling Hidden Truths

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: The SECRET About Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters MORTON COUNTY, ND ( Some people have been wondering why it took so long to move protesters out, when law enforcement had so much fire power. We’ve uncovered a secret.

MN Governor: “Chaos Persists,” Minneapolis Protests and Riots Continue Saturday

MN GOV.: “Chaos”, Minneapolis Protests-Riots Continue Saturday MINNEAPOLIS, MN ( Minnesota Governor Tim Walz says the largest deployment of National Guard since the 1960’s has been called out in Minneapolis to control protesting.

North Dakota Resident Found Guilty for Involvement in January 6th, 2021 Capitol Protests

WASHINGTON DC ( An Oriska, North Dakota man has plead guilty under a plea agreement to his part in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Rockne Earles is now 1 of over 700 people who have plead guilty in the attack.

Minnesota Leads in Uncommitted Delegates at Democratic National Convention Amid Gaza Ceasefire Protests

Minnesota Leads in Uncommitted Delegates at Democratic National Convention Amid Gaza Ceasefire Protests

CHICAGO, IL ( – Minnesota is sending the highest percentage of uncommitted delegates to this month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago. A significant 19% of DFL voters in the state’s March presidential primary chose the “uncommitted” option, reflecting their dissatisfaction with the lack of a ceasefire in Gaza. As a result, 11 out of Minnesota’s… Continue reading Minnesota Leads in Uncommitted Delegates at Democratic National Convention Amid Gaza Ceasefire Protests