ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY: Unveiling the Hidden Truth Behind Dakota Access Pipeline Protests

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY: The SECRET About Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters MORTON COUNTY, ND ( Some people have been wondering why it took so long to move protesters out, when law enforcement had so much fire power. We’ve uncovered a secret.

Video of Chase Iron Eyes, Dakota Access Pipeline Protester

Chase Iron Eyes Video, Dakota Access Pipeline Protestor Dakota Access Pipeline protester, Chase Iron Eyes posted this video on facebook with message seeking financial help: “Seek the mountain as the mountain seeks you. People ask how they can help, please go to This is for people that can & want to help. Many thanks.”

Urgent Update: DALP Approval Granted as Evacuation Deadline Nears; Millions of Pounds of Waste Still Unresolved

BREAKING NEWS: DALP approved as evacuation date looms and million of pounds of garbage remain MORTON COUNTY, ND ( The cleanup of millions of pounds of garbage at the Dakota Access Pipeline protest camp continues, as the completion of paperwork allowing completion of the pipeline is being wrapped up. A showdown could be looming.