“THE LAST PICTURE SHOW” Grand Forks' Last Daily, Operating Movie Theater Closing! GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) The last daily, operating movie theater in Grand Forks is closing. The AMC Theater on 32nd Avenue South will close after Thursday. The Empire Theater downtown shows movies from time to time, but is basically a live performance venue.… Continue reading The Final Screening: Grand Forks’ Last Daily Movie Theater Shuts Down!
Tag: daily
COVID-19: Mahnomen’s Shooting Star Casino Prepares 1,000 Daily Meals
COVID-19: Shooting Star Casino In Mahnomen Preparing 1,000 Meals A Day MAHNOMEN, MN (trfnews.i234.me) The Shooting Star Casino in Mahnomen is preparing 1,000 meals a day for delivery around the White Earth Nation.
Statement to Police: “Daily Use of Heroin and 60 Xanax Pills”
STATEMENT TO POLICE: “Using Heroin & 60 Xanax Pills A Day” EAST GRAND FORKS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Northwood, North Dakota woman is facing a string of charges in East Grand Forks, MInnesota related to drugs.
Massive U.S. Humanitarian Effort Begins in Gaza, Delivering 2 Million Meals Daily
Massive U.S. Humanitarian Relief Effort For Gaza Is Underway, Pier Will Bring 2-Million Meals A Day GAZA (trfnews.i234.me) At the direction of President Biden the U.S. Army and Navy are en route to Gaza to build what’s called a trident pier. It will allow ships to start bringing in 2,000,000 meals a day, along with… Continue reading Massive U.S. Humanitarian Effort Begins in Gaza, Delivering 2 Million Meals Daily
GRAND FORKS BEGGARS: Earning $500 Daily?
GRAND FORKS PANHANDLERS: $500 A Day? GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) We checked out a complaint from an TRF News viewer regarding panhandlers in Grand Forks.