Grand Forks Women Awaken to Intruder in Their Apartment

Grand Forks Women Wake To Strange Man In Their Apartment GRAND FORKS, ND ( A man is facing criminal charges, after 2 women say he was found in the bedroom. of their Grand Forks apartment.

Jamestown Couple Charged After Toddler Survives Fentanyl Overdose

Rhiannon Hufsteler

JAMESTOWN, ND ( – In a dramatic turn of events following a harrowing Sunday night emergency, a Jamestown couple now faces severe legal consequences after their 2-year-old child miraculously survived a fentanyl overdose. Christopher Johnson and Rhiannon Hufsteler are at the center of a criminal investigation, accused of endangering the life of their toddler. Emergency… Continue reading Jamestown Couple Charged After Toddler Survives Fentanyl Overdose