Critics Of $352-Million Grand Forks Corn Milling Plant Speak Out
GRAND FORKS, ND ( Several critics of a proposed corn milling plant spoke out during the Grand Forks City Council meeting.
Opponents Voice Concerns Over $352 Million Grand Forks Corn Milling Plant

The reason a lot of people are Indeed dark.
Is because people?
Ignore or don't have time?
2 understand or sea or investigate? What's going on so they allow the politician to do whatever they want to and how many of these political?
Are getting money under-the-table? There's always a deal so the Chinese can do whatever the hell they want to in the United States.
And the American people have to stop the BS from the politicians and enough is enough.
You need to vote them out and investigate
Obviously a needs there, imagine if it was a EU factory development. Same reaction?
Stop selling our country to china
Maybe grand forks works force needs to learn how to treat there employees and pay better that’s why gf is struggling for ppl but I can bet if that mill come that 200 plus jobs will be filled very fast
Try bring em down south…

When does the tar and feathers come out???
They're trying to replace us!!! We all know it. Diversify or else! We can do things to counteract this movement. We can boycott certain products. WE THE PEOPLE. If we can get the whole city together, we can move mountains. Something this country has never seen before. God be willing.
Curse that plant.
Do not let this Chinese company in ND…
Maybe if businesses owners would pay more and offer benefits they would find employees.
Why gf ND? kickbacks and tax breaks! China has figured out they can take our country and resources by using the good old american greed system to buy us out………
Vote this man into office and others like him, men and women who have lived in GF for decades and know what's best for the community. Like many, many, many cities, government no longer represents the people, but special interests. City Councils meet more and more in private, farm their decision making processes out to expensive consultants, waste tens of thousands and more before a vote is ever announced or made. It sounded like disrespect to me coming from the man who wouldn't turn up the sound. Unfortunately I don't know the man's name who spoke, but he made sense, spoke so well and right, and I am not hearing anything said by the council. Please update us. I grew up in GF and am always interested. I have a couple of finance degrees if you ever want a review, no charge.
Don't do business with tyrannical CCP. It's blood money! They have killed tens of millions of their own citizens and are still at it. They cannot be trusted!
Higher wages help bring/ retain workers. Hope these guys dont actually think that small stimulus check actually made people not want to work. Its low pay that makes people not want to work for you.
I’ve seen this situation in our town before. That city council ain’t listening to a word that man said all they see is dollar signs. Nothing will change until the council get elected out of office.
They the CHINNESE will move in their own labor from CHINA. F THE COMMUNIST. Then they the commies will send the product to China. Check what the CHINNESE tried in Idaho.
We should never be investing in any Chinese company. We are Americans and should invest in America. China has never been a friend of the United States.
Rather than the city investing in a chinese company whether direct financially or through tax breaks, why doesn't the city invest in companies that are already here?
Where are all the workers
I agree!
Kids don't want to work, plus others don't want to work. The way to get more workers would be to get rent, housing prices down