Condolences From Loved Ones Of Fallen Grand Forks Police Officer, Cody Holte

GRAND FORKS, ND ( The family of slain, Grand Forks Police Officer, Cody Holte has a message they wanted passed on to the region.
here’s a message from the family of slain Grand Forks police officer Cody Holte whose funeral service was held on Tuesday quote yesterday’s memorial service and processional were the most perfect thing and fitting tribute to our hero we are truly humbled and our hearts are filled with gratitude to the for the extraordinary expression of support from our law enforcement family our National Guard family citizens both local and from across our region and the local state and federal leaders thank you for shouldering and sharing in the burden of grief with us while Cody’s watch on earth has ended it is because of you that Cody’s legacy of faithful service will endure although our hearts are heavy today we find solace knowing Cody is at peace and that we will be reunited thank you again and God bless unquote that was from the family of Cody hall tee I’m Neil Berg reporting for

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