Billionaire Calls Community Small Minded

Billionaire Criticizes Park Point Community as "Small Minded"
Billionaire Criticizes Park Point Community as "Small Minded"

DULUTH, MN. ( – Kathy Cargill, a billionaire, has sparked controversy by labeling the community of Park Point in Duluth, Minnesota, as “small minded.” In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Cargill revealed her decision to abandon plans to enhance the Park Point area after purchasing nearly two dozen properties. Despite her initial intentions to build homes for relatives, establish a coffee shop, develop a sports complex, and implement other improvements, Cargill expressed frustration at the lack of support from the community.

Cargill’s comments have stirred debate and raised questions about community engagement and development initiatives. While some residents may feel disappointed by her decision to withdraw her plans, others may agree with her critique of the community’s responsiveness to change.

The controversy surrounding Cargill’s remarks underscores the complex dynamics between private investment, community development, and local perceptions. As Duluth navigates its path forward, discussions about the balance between preserving community identity and fostering progress are likely to continue.


  1. What a tool. Paid over asking price, which will jack up everyone else's taxes. Duluth taxes are already terribly high. This will only force out those pesky middle class families and get those better wealthy people out there. This woman sounds insufferable.

  2. I'm sure she would have just walled off their fancy little part of town from the poors and used her influence to funnel as many tax dollars to their pet projects as possible. They might live a life without struggle, but at least we can make them feel unwelcome and unwanted.

  3. I am sure dems approve of her message as during the lockdowns we were constantly told by dems and left leaning MSM outlets that rich people who own businesses can do what they want; like fire someone if they don't accept the Big Pharma vaccines, fire someone if they don't like social media messages of employee, curtail religious and political speech they don't like..

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