$130-Million Drone Crashes & Destroyed Near Grand Forks Air Force Base
GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A $130-million Global Hawk drone crashed and was destroyed Friday morning near the Grand Forks Air Force Base in North Dakota. The aircraft is an unmanned drone and no one was injured on the ground.
$130 Million Drone Crashes and Is Destroyed Near Grand Forks Air Force Base

a waste of my tax money (and my megabytes)
Don't worry, the Air Force says these planes are excess to need anyway.
I know a big tent on Martha's Vineyard that it could have crashed into today and then it would have been worth the $ 130 Mil.
Chump change! Print some more money & build another one pronto!
Who manufactures this model of drone….just wondering…anyone out there know ??
I bet sleepy Joe was controlling it
Human error I'll bet. That's a lot of tax payer money down the drain!
What a waste of money!
It looks like it came close to taking out that combine. That is all the farmer needs this time of year.
Play stupid games….