Worker Uprising at Thief River Falls Turkey Factory

THIEF RIVER FALLS,, MN ( We have reports of a bit of a revolt at the Northern Pride turkey processing plant in Thief River Falls, Minnesota, after several workers tested positive for COVID-19.
[Music] we have a bit of a covet 19 turkey plant revolt that northern pride incorporated in thief river falls the plant employs uh roughly 75 to 100 uh people uh a lot of the workers come in from mexico or puerto rico and they were brought in as essential workers however i’m told around 10 people tested positive for covet yesterday and maybe another eight or nine today and uh some folks were walking off the job because they don’t want to get sick here’s some video of the conversation sent to us that management had with employees today you guys understand that this is this is a relationship right the company needs the employees and the employees need the company it’s being followed for the health department telling us what we should do it will continue to be followed i by you guys saying we’re not working until we get this i just want you to understand that you put you put everybody else’s livelihood in a in a very big adventure it’s only you know all you saying earlier this year we don’t see anybody minnesota during the clover thing because you were considered essential workers if you were not essential you would have never gone across the mexican or been able to try it from puerto rico okay you guys are essential that’s why they allowed you guys to come in now some employees were upset about not enough testing and working with the people who were infected uh i guess after this conversation i’m told that some of them just walked off the job they were also told that if they didn’t get back to work they were going to be here until february to get the turkey processing done we’ll try to talk with northern pride management on tuesday morning for more on this story i’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. I worked at Northern Pride roughly between 2015 and 2017 I was a very good worker I showed up on time and I did my job as well as I trained people and moved up in my position. What I just watched and listened to is discrimination in the work force. If I was someone sitting in that laundry room or listening to that meeting I would immediately get a public defender or lawyer whatever I could afford and pursue was criminal charges

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