Woman Claims Intruder in Middle of the Night Requested Sex

WARROAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Warroad, Minnesota man is facing multiple criminal charges, after allegedly entering a woman’s apartment in the middle of the night, exposing himself and asking for sex.
we have what sounds like a terrifying middle-of-the-night ordeal for a Minnesota woman according to court documents on June 30th the Roseau County investigator took a statement from a female victim who lives at a Warroad apartment complex she stated that a 2:50 a.m. she was awoken by hearing her bedroom door open and the lights come on she states she saw a man in her bedroom she knows as Peter lang she says she has acquainted with him but he was not invited to come into the home and he did not have permission to be there she stated Lang had his pants down and penis exposed and asked her to put her mouth on it she said no and get out several times she then says he took his pants completely off laid on the bed and asked for sex she stated he was there for about an hour and left the victim also stated she texted Lange’s wife and requested to get him out of there the victim says he touched her over her clothing and she tried to remain calm so he wouldn’t become violent stating she had a children in the home one of those children also stated to an investigator he saw Lange in his mother’s bedroom with his pants down Lange told investigators he could not remember many events of the night because he was intoxicated Lange’s wife reported she found to him sleeping on the front steps in the morning and saw the text messages from the victim Peter Daniel Lange has been charged with felony first-degree burglary two counts of felony fourth degree criminal sexual conduct force or coercion and one gross misdemeanor charge of fifth degree criminal sexual conduct I’m Neil Berg reporting for i-news da TV

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