Will It Snow Tomorrow? Grand Forks Weather Update

GRAND FORK, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Your Tuesday evening weather update from UND’s Atmospheric Sciences in Grand Forks.
good evening and welcome to und’s weather update my name is dylan vote blue skies right now but that’s all about to change as we go throughout the next 24 to 48 hours 51 degrees tonight and today might be the last nice day in the 50s we’ll have for quite some time wind is variable it’s just a nice afternoon enjoy it well it lasts because big changes are coming to the forecast you can see temperatures throughout the area a lot of 50s a few 40s up in northern minnesota otherwise not too bad of an afternoon and you can look off to the north and west you can’t see those temperatures up in canada but they are much cooler in the 20s and 30s and that’s what’s coming for our direction as we go closer to the weekend so here is current satellite and radar high pressure system in our area keeping us sunny for right now but if you look off to the south and west over near wyoming and northwestern colorado that’s the system we’re watching that’s going to track its way to the north and east as we go throughout tonight into tomorrow and that’s what’s going to cause the rain and possibility of some snow accumulating snow for many as we go into thursday and friday like i said nothing too exciting going on right now winter is approaching we’re talking a little bit of snow it’s not going to be a complete dumping of snow just a few inches looks like it may be possible and this weekend’s gonna stay chilly with a chance of some overcast skies and tonight is when it all starts to change cool and cloudy with a high temperature or low temperature rather of only 32 degrees a light breeze as those clouds increase as the system moves from the southwest to the northeast it’s going to be increasing those clouds and precipitation rain will start to fall off in the western areas of our forecast area 36 and minot 38 in bismarck with rain showers starting west to east as we go throughout tomorrow and here we go let’s watch this and put this in motion so throughout the rest of the afternoon you can see we’re gonna stay underneath sunny skies but clouds and the storm starts pushing out from the southwest to the northeast as we go into tomorrow morning i’m expecting that a very rainy and cool day for tomorrow high temperatures only in the upper 30s too some low 40s could have some mixed precipitation way up by the canadian border although i think we’re expecting mostly rain and the way ground temperatures are right now they’re very warm it’s gonna be really difficult for that snow to actually stick to the ground especially right away so right throughout the rest of the tomorrow afternoon into the evening that system will continue to push off to the east and when it does continue to push off to the east we’re watching for our snow potential will be when this low pressure system sits here stalls out and the snow up here in the northern parts of our of the right of futurecast here that stuff will start to drop down to the south and that’s where we could see some accumulating snow on thursday going into friday so it’s a little bit too early to know the exact details it’s not looking like a lot of snow at this time tomorrow 42 degrees rain and a little bit breezy winds southeast 55 to 15 miles per hour but it will be getting windier as wednesday goes on especially going to thursday and friday we’re talking wind gusts anywhere from 40 to 45 miles per hour to end off the work week so here is your seven-day forecast 90 chance of rain tomorrow it’s going to kind of be a nasty day high temperature of only 42 degrees just a cold rain not going to be a good day to walk around campus thursday friday thursday i’m expecting mostly cloudy but switching eventually over to snow later on in the afternoon to the evening hours and those snow showers could linger on into friday going into saturday it looks like we’ll get a quick break from some snow but saturday night into sunday we’re tracking a quick clipper system that could bring a potential of some more snow into the area for next week we’re staying cool much more cooler november temperatures in the 30s

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