West Nile Virus Detected in Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) The Health Department says West Nile Disease has been found in Grand Forks mosquitos.
the West Nile Virus has been identified in Grand Forks mosquitoes this in from the city a pool or group of mosquitoes collected today on this Tuesday from Grand Forks has been identified as having the West Nile Virus the cities of Grand Forks and East Grand Forks urged citizens to take precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes the mosquito is the most common for transmitting the West Nile Virus the mosquito is most active just before Sundown and throughout the night into the early morning hours to help reduce your risk of getting West Nile the health department recommends using insect or repellent that contains DEET limit outdoor activities between Dusk and Dawn wear long pants and long sleeve shirts when possible that’s a rough one today eliminate standing water around homes again use that mosquito spray around the greater Grand Forks area West Nile Virus has been identified I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me

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