Warroad Man Faces Charges for Possession of Pornographic Content

WARROAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Warroad, Minnesota man is facing 2 felony counts of Possess Pornographic Work.
23-year-old Vance Cole web of rural Warroad Minnesota is facing two felony accounts of possessed pornographic work according to court documents following a tip from Dropbox a file hosting service in California a Roso County investigator and BCA agent tracked the images to web uh his account contained hundreds of video and photo files two were identified as pornographic Works involving miners it led to a search warrant at web’s rural Warroad residence where a phone linked to the Dropbox account was seized I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


  1. The fact that Monsters live amongst us should make us all think and realize,that it’s not a joke to say the least about this Mentally sick Perversion that is beyond comprehension to the majority of people

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