Violent Incident Unfolds at Warroad Trailer Park: Man Facing Criminal Charges

Ryan T. Grindahl

WARROAD, MN ( – A disturbing incident rocked a trailer park just west of Warroad, Minnesota, resulting in criminal charges against 38-year-old Ryan T. Grindahl. Responding to reports of a possible stabbing, authorities discovered a chaotic scene at the trailer court.

Upon arrival, investigators found Grindahl and another male victim inside a trailer, both covered in blood. Grindahl, armed with a double-edged knife, resisted arrest, leading to a tense confrontation with law enforcement. After being subdued and transported to a medical center, Grindahl was placed under arrest.

The altercation allegedly stemmed from a dispute between Grindahl and the male victim, with a woman present during the assault providing crucial details to investigators. Grindahl faces charges of felony assault in the third degree and misdemeanor domestic assault.

The incident underscores the need for swift and thorough responses to acts of violence within communities. As Grindahl awaits legal proceedings, residents grapple with the aftermath of this unsettling event.

I’m Neil Berg reporting for


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