URGENT UPDATE: Up to 100 Ice Fishermen Being Rescued on Upper Red Lake, MN

UPPER RED LAKE, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update on a major ice rescue underway on Upper Red Lake, MN. Ice fishermen are stranded about a quarter mile off shore, after water opened up between them and the shoreline.
we have an update now on a large group of ice fishermen trapped out on upper Red Lake Minnesota on this Friday night uh this now at 6:48 p.m. we have a better location uh photo here from an i news viewer they’re right out from uh AO road on the uh South Southeast shore of uh upper Red Lake I’m told they’re about a quarter of a mile out uh now the uh Beltrami County Sheriff’s Department says no one is in the water but they just sent out an emergency alert here at about 6:45 uh to uh phones in that area saying quote a large ice flow has detached on the upper Red Lake if you are stranded on the ice flow and need to evacuate go to the southeast toward Rogers on the red and rescue crews are evacuating people watch for Open Water if you encounter ice that is to to thin to safely evacuate stay where you are and call 911 and that was from the Bel tramy County Sheriff’s Office uh ice rescue crews uh now on scene uh again as they said they’re by Rogers so we’ll keep you updated uh using airboats a photo here again from an i news viewer this is just coming in now at uh 6:48 p.m. I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news trfnews.i234.me


  1. Seriously! Question! What liability do the resorts have in this and what liability to the people themselves? I ask because, for a few reasons. Legally, can the government/town/county charge these people for the cost of rescue? I say this because, we ALL know that the winter of 2022 has had crap weather, crap ice on the lakes. So, who should take responsibility for the rescues? I feel so bad for those who have lost life's and loved ones. All for the love of ice fishing…………… Please, do not let your loved ones come here to ice fish……………. We have NO safe ice, and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying.

  2. I live in MN and they have been saying for weeks to stay the hell off the ice…it isn’t safe!! I guess some idiots never learn. I feel sorry for first responders who have to go save the morons. They should leave them out there and weed out a few!!

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