URGENT UPDATE: Suspect Hunt Underway in East Grand Forks

[Music] Neil Berg here with some breaking news out of east grand forks early on a thursday morning 6 30 a.m this is on the north side of east grand forks we’ve got a large police presence polk county deputies and east grand forks police i’m told by a dispatcher that a bit earlier we had a vehicle pursuit and then the suspect fled on foot see uh officers up in this area of town now uh searching for the suspect also heard radio traffic that they were down by the river here straight ahead looking into the river that the suspect may have entered the river and nothing confirmed yet i’m told it’s still all under investigation um we’ll drive up here a little further uh see what we can see again a large police presence in the north side of east grand forks on this uh thursday morning uh told by a dispatcher we had a pursuit and then the suspect fled on foot so i don’t know if this is more law enforcement up here or what’s happening um this is up along the edge of uh valley golf course you can look out across the field it looks like there’s officers spread out around the area here i will drive up by the river here and see if there’s uh uh a police presence up here also but uh again as i said we had a uh told a police pursuit and then the suspect fled on foot [Music] this cemetery over on the left side earlier in radio traffic i’ve been searching in that area and as i said there was some radio traffic that officers were looking with binoculars that debris out in the river so one can assume that they thought they had maybe uh jumped in the river or exactly what happened we don’t know for sure yet but again we’ve got the police east grand forks police and polk county deputies now involved in this all right not seeing any more in this area just listening to radio traffic here uh we’ll have an update as soon as more information is available uh but an apparent search underway for a pursuit suspect who fled on foot in east grand forks check back later for more details i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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