Urgent Alert: Search Underway Early Sunday Morning for Missing Person in Clearwater County, Minnesota

CLEARWATER COUNTY, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We had an early Sunday morning search underway in Clearwater County, Minnesota after a person was reported missing Saturday night.
some breaking news out of Clearwater County Minnesota we’ve had a search for a missing person going on uh early on this Sunday morning uh initial call came in that the person was missing by Robinson Lake which would be south of baggley southwest of buiji Minnesota on the inset here you can see a flight radar website showing a state patrol plane uh circling the area this was at about 2 a.m. on Sunday uh ass uming that uh that plane is uh equipped with infrared cameras toh find heat signatures on the ground now the initial call didn’t come in until around 8:30 p.m. on Saturday at that time it was already dark out uh later radio traffic indicated this uh may be a hunter uh no details yet uh but uh here’s some of the radio traffic that started at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday I just got a report of um this this guy’s 24y old cousin who is lost in the forest out by Robinson Lake uh last time he saw her was about 100 p.m. and later radio traffic indicated they tried pinging the Lost person’s phone but it uh did not come back with any coordinates and as we showed you a state patrol plane has been searching the area early on this Sunday morning see if they can get a bird up in the air with uh infrared um should be enough leaves off the tree and hopefully that person is dressed for the weather around 38° at 4:00 a.m. on this uh Sunday morning we’ve reached out to the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Department we’ll have an update as soon as we get more information I’m Neil Berg reporting for I trfnews.i234.me


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