UPDATE: Woman Spotted Running Down Grand Forks Street Without Pants

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) We have an update to a police call for a woman who was reported running down the street with no pants late Saturday afternoon in Grand Forks.
three four we have an update to a story we first brought you late Saturday afternoon Grand Forks dispatchers had a report of a woman running down the street with no pants or underwear and she had jumped into a car at 5:12 p.m. Saturday an ambulance was called a short time later now on this Sunday morning sergeant Sufi tells i-news it was a 20 year old female dressed only in a t-shirt and she jumped into a neighbor’s car the neighbor reported that she was talking but not making any sense sergeant sue B says they’re looking at the possibility of domestic violence however he says there may be some underlying mental health issues the woman was transported to the hospital for evaluation at this point no one has been charged with anything so the incident remains a medical issue and no further information will be released unless they may charge a stem from this incident I’m Neil Berg reporting for I news TV

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