UPDATE: Pipeline Protest by Thief River Falls Flares Up
THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A Wednesday morning Enbridge pipeline protest south of Thief River Falls, Minnesota has flared up again this afternoon.
UPDATE: Thief River Falls Pipeline Protest Intensifies

I wanna meet you dude I’m here in thief river falls with my dad he is working on the pipeline.
Get a real job lost European immigrant….
If you keep using your phone while driving who’s going to bring us all these ground breaking news stories if you become one yourself?!?

Tax dollars hard at work
Keep supporting the destruction of the earth…
Check out all the vehicles? If it wasn’t for pipelines they wouldn’t be able to drive.
Round them all up and be done with it.
If I set up camp like that they would have came for me the very first day.
But because they are "people of color" its okay to do whatever they want.
They are nothing but hate filled trouble makers.
They don't care about the water and land they pollute every day with their trash.
They are just there to cause grief for the working man.
If they had to work for a living they sure as hell would not be out there making trouble for another working man.
These kids are being used for a few quick dollars without realizing they will be rung up on charges they’ll carry for the rest of their lives
Protestors looking for their 15 minutes of fame. Seems their time would be better spent cleaning up trash instead of making more like they did in North Dakota not long ago.
What an intelligent bunch of youth groomed to be good little communists.
Get a job!!
Neil, your car sounds like it has tire ready to let go. Good luck.