Update: Pipeline Protesters Near Thief River Falls to Remain… For Now

THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN (trfnews.i234.me) A No Trespassing order has been rescinded and a protest camp near the Enbridge Line 3 construction project near Thief River Falls, Minnesota will remain in place.
Neil Berg here just south of uh thief river falls minnesota at the red lake treaty uh pipeline protest camp campers here have been set up for months protesting the enbridge pipeline replacement project which is scheduled to pour under the red lake river here now here’s what’s happened we have some new developments on tuesday the department of minnesota department of transportation commissioner issued a no trespass order and yesterday when i was here on wednesday the pennington county sheriff’s department was talking with the protesters here and they had apparently agreed to move out and were packing up but now last night wednesday night the commissioner department of transportation rescinded that no trespass order i’m told by pennington county chief deputy veteran that at this point state officials are now uh talking about how to move forward on all this but at this point uh protesters have been given basically the go-ahead to stay put now as of yesterday there were around 50 protesters here i talked to uh one of them today who says uh some of them left uh but overall they’re basically uh setting up camp again their big tent and uh campgrounds are right next to enbridge’s construction site here when this all started as i said earlier they were on state land and had the necessary permits and as far as permits now they still have the go-ahead to stay where they’re at but that’s still being discussed near thief river falls minnesota i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me

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