Update on Interview: Woman Allegedly Held Against Her Will in Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A woman tells TRF News she called police after a woman told her she was being held against her will.
we have an update uh regarding our report at uh around four o’clock on this uh saturday afternoon of a possible abduction now i just talked with a uh a witness uh who was at uh caesar’s little caesars pizza in grand forks just wants to go by the name of josie and says a woman ran into the store out of the car to use a bathroom and asked her to call police and look like she was injured and it’s believed she was being held against her will by just one man in that car and the woman got back in the car by the time she had talked to her manager and police were called and took off driving toward minnesota now at this point i still haven’t been able to talk to police uh regarding this ongoing investigation uh but here’s what the witness uh called uh josie says she saw i was just now getting off work and a female came running to me from out of the store and she said she bring me to the bathroom and said please call 9-1-1 on the car because there was a black sedan and she was saying please she said they’re taking me and i don’t know where i am going and her face was really beaten up and she was like so terrified because she was being taken and it was just one man and it was just her okay did she get back in the car or what happened yes by the time i went to go tell my manager to get the police on the phone she had to get back in the car because she was being threatened that she had to come right back out she wasn’t supposed to talk to nobody so she pulled me into the bathroom okay and uh what and it was just one man in the car yes sir okay uh and she got back in it so uh any idea did she tell you anything else her name or where they were going no she was so in distraught that she couldn’t really talk and she was panicking because she had to go back fast because she said if she didn’t go back it was going to be bad for everybody okay how old is this woman uh she is she white she was a white woman with blonde hair she was about 26 or 27. probably like five seven wearing a pink coat and and you’re saying it looked like she had been gotten beat up she her eye her right eye was very pushed out and it was like very pink it was very very very swollen her lip was busted and she had bruises all over her face okay have police told you anything where they’re at about finding this vehicle no they have not okay anything else i should be talking about or [Music] no that mostly covers it okay you didn’t see which direction they went or anything they were going towards like minnesota with again that was an interview with a woman named josie who says that’s what she witnessed at this point no word from police yet we’ll keep you updated i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. When a person is being abused they will do what their abuser says. Who knows maybe the guy had a gun and if she didn't come out he'd go in. Hopefully LC has a video camera and a picture was captured.

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