Update on Flood Conditions in Grand Forks-East Grand Forks on Sunday Morning

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A look at the latest developments in the Greater Grand Forks flood preparations.
the things have been changing rather quickly overnight into this sunday morning in greater grand forks as the red river continues to rise expected to hit major flood stage later in the week more on that in a minute first let’s get you up to date of what’s happened overnight here in east grand forks 4th street leading north from downtown down to river road has been closed the underpass at highway 2 is full of water and also on the south side of downtown east grand forks the road leading out of a lafayette park along the river to downtown is closed it’s under water now grand forks officials have already said they’ll be closing the uh point bridge uh here on the uh south the farther south bridge on this sunday officials on both sides are still uh taking a close look at what’s going to happen with the sorely bridge here on demers avenue uh downtown east grand forks into grand forks now at uh 7 30 a.m on this sunday uh the reddit uh grand forks is 38.19 feet it’s expected to rise another 10 feet by around uh wednesday at the crest of 48.5 feet putting it into a major flood stage level uh but but that is well below the existing dyke system uh the record was in 1997 uh catastrophic flood 54.3 feet so this year’s forecasted crest is expected to be some about six feet lower than that so uh some uh possibility though a major flood level here uh this coming week again well within the existing dyke system however uh city crews on both sides could wind up putting in more flood walls and things of that nature stick with us on this sunday we’ll keep you updated i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. Albert Einstein "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results."
    Flood Plane = no buildings, fruit and berry food Forest.

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