UPDATE: Latest Breakthroughs in Search for Murder Suspect Eric Reinbold

UPDATE: New Developments In Search For Murder Suspect Eric Reinbold

OKLEE, MN (trfnews.i234.me) We have new developments in the search for murder suspect, Eric Reinbold in Northwest Minnesota. Tuesday night an extensive law enforcement presence was on had for a search of his parent’s farm near Oklee, Minnesota.


  1. Good morning!! I want to apologize to ERIC AND HIS FAMILY . I realized this morning that I'm assuming Eric is the murderer. But ERIC IS JUST THE SUSPECT. SO LETS ALL REMEMBER

  2. Of this guy was native are black ect he would been shot an killed
    Already he probably not even in state dumb ass hill billy cops he’ had some one that loves him transport him away I bet they find him in around Canada are Mexico boarders

  3. Trooper just headed east past my place with siren. I'm 3 1/2 mi west of St. Hilaire. Could have been for the line 3 protest but I just drove by there and all was calm. There were 10 squads by the protest when I went by at noon. Only 4 when I came by 15 min ago

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