UPDATE: Jupiter has deceased, Father says “Too far gone”, Suspect claims no memory of incident

FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) UPDATE: Jupiter Paulsen has passed away.
The father of a 14-year old Fargo stabbing victim says his daughter is too far gone. They gathered for goodbyes. Meanwhile, the suspect in the case says he was using meth and doesn’t recall the incident.
this is a photo of 14 year old jupiter paulson who was beaten strangled and stabbed in by a fargo strip mall last friday morning uh on her gofundme page her father robert paulson writes we just got word from the doctor today that our baby girl is too far gone and there isn’t anything they can do just to gather family and to say our goodbyes this is a very dark moment in our lives thank you for the prayers shares and donations meanwhile the suspect 23 year old homeless man Arthur Kollie made a court appearance and has been formally charged with attempted murder aggravated assault and robbery bail set at 1 million dollars according to court documents he told police he’d been using meth and didn’t recall the incident i’m Neil Berg reporting for trfnews.i234.me


  1. Sigh……its all over media and talk shows and whatever white people are ohh so horrible and racist blablabla but yet we're supposed to be humble and accepting to everyone even while being attacked and blamed for crap that was way before our time but yet everyone just has to move into our areas and put their kids with ours in our school system yep we're just so bad and nightmarish

  2. This pisses me off so bad πŸ™ an I’m not white but it still makes me hate but who all black peoples? Grand forks used to string people up from bridges lest not forget where we come from death penalty I say we vote it back North Dakota

  3. Please morn for this precious girl without spreading hate she deserves better, yes the media needs to know but don’t take away from her story to spread your own hate crime!! May justice be served!!

  4. Another black on white hate crime ignored by the media and will be swept under the carpet as the violent criminal will get another light sentence. He should have served his 27 day sentence and the child would still be alive. The judge, prosecutor, and probation officer must be charged with criminal negligence, and fired and jailed.

  5. black man 'remembers' very well attacking WHITE young girl until her injuries are so horrific that she dies. Never to graduate from high school, marry have children or visit the world because black man wants to blame meth for who HE CHOSE to murder. Prison should be the verdict of all on drugs. Murder should be punished by dead row.

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