UPDATE: Grand Forks Apartment Assault and Robbery Deemed an Isolated Incident

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Police say an Assault and Robbery at a downtown Grand Forks apartment building Friday morning, appears to be an isolated incident.
everyone Neil Berg here in downtown Grand Forks where we had an assault and robbery in this apartment building back here at 321 North fourth Street just on the north side of downtown now this happened about just after 5:30 this morning the male victim told police that he was asleep when he was woken up by three assailants who assaulted him and robbed him of his wallet now I was just inside I wasn’t able to find the victim to speak with however he had talked to a couple of other tenants here to be kind the apartments here are low-end to say the least one of the tenants told me police are here all the time well it’s Department building has you know many different apartments inside so police officers do tend to get called there fairly frequently however it’s not necessarily the same apartment for the same reason that several different units is very to say there’s quite a few problems in the building we get called there quite frequently yes in fact this building is cut up into at least 16 different small apartments however in this assault robbery incident lieutenant Mackey says it doesn’t appear there’s any threat to the general public it’s an isolated incident so does the average citizen have to be worried following this crime about people breaking into their house and waking them up in the middle of the day you know it doesn’t appear that there’s necessarily a threat to the general public regarding this incident during this robbery the victim knows one of the suspects has an acquaintance they’d been together earlier in the evening there’s no indication that this was a random act of violence in Grand Forks I’m Neil Berg for i-news TV

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