UPDATE: Boyfriend is deceased, girlfriend arrested in connection to Halstad shooting

HALSTAD, MN (trfnews.i234.me) Twenty year old Monalisa Perez is in jail and her boyfriend, a 22-year old man from Halstad died from a gunshot wound. His name has not been released yet.
we have more details surrounding a shooting death in Hallstead Minnesota Monday evening 20-year-old Mona Lisa Perez is in custody on a reckless discharge of firearm charge the sheriff says her boyfriend a 22-year-old man died at this hallad home his name has not been released yet pending notification of family it’s it’s still under investigation at this time um but last night we received a 911 phone call here at the Norman countyy sheriff’s office at approximately 1838 hours uh it was reported that there was a individual with a gunshot wound to the chest um in the 500 block of US Highway 75 in the city of hon so was this an argument going on or just somebody inexperienced goofing around with a gun and it went on uh at at this time we’re not releasing any information on uh the circumstances of the shooting um that is still under investigation and we’re still working on uh what actually happened there and I assume the prosecutor will have to review all this to see what actual charges may be filed yeah that is correct uh through our investigation he’ll be informed of what we learn and uh he he’ll ultimately make the decision on what she is charged with okay all right did he die at the scene somebody said he was light flighted that I talked to there or um he was deceased at the scene LifeLight was uh called and my understanding did land at the scene but never transported allstead Minnesota I’m Neil Berg reporting for in trfnews.i234.me


  1. So they released the girlfriend's name, but withheld releasing the boyfriend's name pending notification of family? As if the family wouldn't have figured it out when they recognized the woman's name?

  2. It's was a FREAKING .50AE – BASICALLY ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL CARTRIDGES EVER MADE. "Will it go through this thick book??" YEAH, ALONG WITH PROBABLY 4 MORE OF THOSE BOOKS. Damn dude I'm sorry you lost your life but c'mon !! WTF were you thinking ????

  3. Complete stupidity and idiotic behaviour! Also where are the social services? Is it acceptable to fire a gun in front of a 3 year old. What a shame, a young life gone in vain, whilst pursuing YouTube ratings, desperate is an underestimation

  4. Hey Troopers, homeless 56 years now, try me, u won't, jack young, some friends, some backstabbets, i hunt 'dem, never ' dun, threaten me, i'll hurt u
    BAD, U.S.M.C.
    Better off runnnng, don't
    fall down, but they do run

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