UPDATE: Administrator Responds to Female Inmates’ Complaints About Poor Food Quality at Grand Forks Jail

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) We now have a response from Grand Forks County Correctional Center Administrator, Bret Burkholder as female inmates also join in on claims of bad food and not enough of it.
as we’ve reported this weekend some inmates at the Grand Forks County Jail told inews they were planning a protest today on this Monday over what they claim is poor food and not enough of it we have a response from jail administrator Brett Burkholder in just a minute but first some female inmates have now also sent us a video claiming spoiled milk poor food and not enough of it hi my name is Jennifer Garcia and we are the female inmates of the Grand Forks Correctional Center in addition to the previous grievances we’ve received stuff like rotten potatoes my name is Savannah Milligan I’ve received spoiled milk on multiple occasions we’re told to check our milk every morning when we get breakfast I am Rebecca dejarli and we don’t get no fruit and no fresh vegetables my name is Cassie and our portions are way too small hello my name is shataya Connor and they beat a slop in rotten potatoes look at this slop a little rotten potato what is this because when we get fat and some inmates have said they’ll begin refusing their food today in protest and we now have this statement from jail administrator Brett Burkholder quote food service at the Grand Forks County correctional center is provided by Summit Food Services the same company that provides Food Services to most facilities in North Dakota and the region their menu plan as approved by their licensed dietitian is based on a 2600 daily caloric meal plan their food service director when recently recently asked has stated they are serving portions in accordance with the menu the menu is based on a daily caloric intake not by each meal therefore some meals are designed to be larger than other meals but for the day they will average 2600 calories trays serve to the inmates are prepared by inmate workers and Summit food staff Grand Forks County correctional staff are not involved in the preparation or portioning of the meals we only serve what has been provided to us as for bad milk this was brought to Summit Food Service attention for investigation when it recently occurred when some milk cartons were found to be bad they were replaced with new milks as far as we’re aware this has been an isolated issue with a small number of milk cartons and has not been consistent a a consistent ongoing issue and has been resolved it appears to have coincided with the high temperatures the other week which may or may not have been a factor or simply a coincidence unquote that was from Grand Forks County correctional center administrator Brett Burkholder so we’ll uh on this Monday we’ll now reach out to Summit Food Services the company that prepares the meals as we continue to follow this developing story I’m Neil Berg reporting for itrfnews.i234.me


  1. I wonder how many people not in Jail, busy working a job or two get THREE meals a day served to them with fresh fruit and fresh veggies? 🤔… I certainly dont get that privilege.

  2. My brother is in there he's schizophrenic he needs to be in a mental health long term living situation but instead he has been sitting there over 7 months refused medical appointments he needs for Mayo clinic since he was told he has cancer, his mental health is declining n they just keep pushing his court further away even putting him in isolation, the failure of north Dakotas system for mental health vulnerable adults in the legal system is appalling

  3. This has been going on for years and have not been resolved when I was there they told us the fridge was broken and told us to suck it upand drink our spoiled milk that was literally in chunks

  4. Female inmates @ 00:31, I did a quick search on the first one…….something Garcia and she's in prison for torturing a 3yr child to death. Do me a favor and don't EVER show your face on anything, i don't care if your food is dog 💩.

  5. I'm glad you are reaching out to summit food services because people shouldn't have to eat food not made for human consumption. I also hope people keep this in mind before committing crimes.

  6. We don’t get no fruit and no fresh vegetables 🙄 I agree they should never be served spoiled food! But you’re in jail/prison! I can’t always afford fresh fruit! Why should you be served fresh fruit?

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