Tuesday Weather Forecast From Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND (UND.edu) Your Tuesday weather forecast from UND’s Atmospheric Sciences in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
good morning and welcome to und’s weather update my name is dylan vogt take a look outside it’s already a beautiful morning out there we’re sitting at 27 degrees already this morning wind is out of the south of 13 so our temperatures are feel a little bit chillier out there with our wind chill sitting at 16 degrees temperatures across the nation everybody relatively warm except for folks up here in the northeast subzero temperatures in those pink shaded areas miami down here in florida already at 78 degrees for this nine o’clock hour temperatures right now across the region everybody well above their normal temperatures for this morning 30 degrees in bemidji 35 in marshall 40 degrees already up there in minot you may think this is a lot warmer than it was yesterday morning and that’s because it is 34 degrees warmer than we were yesterday at this time in grand forks 25 degrees warmer marshall and brainerd and there are some spots up there in northern north dakota and parks along the canadian border 50 degrees warmer than they were yesterday at this time national satellite and radar there is some rain moving throughout the southeast once again they keep on getting dumped on with the rain down here in the southeast moving into our area though we do have some clouds that are lingering in our area but those will keep on pushing off to the east and get out of the valley as we head into the afternoon hours for our almanac right now we are already at our normal high temperature of 27 degrees our low this morning was 22 degrees and our normal low was 8 degrees we’re well above that sunrise 707 a.m and sunset getting later and later at 6 15 p.m for today for our forecast headlines 40s today and it’s going to be a very warm week those warm temperatures are going to continue and with that a very uneventful pattern and very boring weather is in our seven day forecast for futurecast those southerly winds are going to continue as we head throughout the day and into the parts of the afternoon right around three o’clock though this cold front is going to sweep through and that’s going to switch our winds to the northwest when that happens our temperatures aren’t going to drop too significantly as we go throughout the overnight hours into right around early early morning tomorrow clouds are going to start to move in and moving into the morning hours around 8 a.m tomorrow morning clouds are going to persist across much of northeastern north dakota and minnesota however as we go into the afternoon hours those clouds will slowly push off to the east and we should see mostly sunny skies or partly sunny skies for much of the region today in grand forks 45 degrees decreasing clouds as we head throughout the day breezy with those winds starting out of the south this morning but this afternoon going to switch the northwest at 10 to 15 a gusting up to 25 miles per hour future weather for today a beautiful day out there everybody well above average 40s for minnesota and a couple spots over here could see some 50s or even some 60s and that’s due to no snowpack or no snow cover over here in part of the dakotas tonight rolling it cooldown to 22 degrees mostly cloudy skies those winds are going to switch once again start to come out of the east at 5 to 10 miles per hour for tomorrow we are going to cool off a little bit high temperature only 39 degrees partly sunny skies it’s gonna be the coldest day of the week winds though are gonna be much much calmer out of the southeast at five to ten miles per hour tomorrow across the region once again everybody well above average we have the high 30s over here in parts of northern minnesota 40s and high 40s and parts of southern minnesota out here in parts of the dakotas once again they don’t have that snow cover so they’re reaching the high 50s low 60s but up here in northeastern north dakota that’s where that snow system moved through earlier last week and when that happened the temperature is going to stay much cooler up in the northeastern part of north dakota for our seven day forecast you can see starting off very warm 45 today cooling off just a little bit tomorrow at 39 but as we head into the weekend mid to high 40s return and by the weekend we should be well into the 50s

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