1. Impeach FOTUS 25th amend/Russian Collusion. Tell me how those fascist dictatorship removing the programs of Americans to line the billionaires pockets is good for ND? UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION !!! STOP PROJECT 2025, WHEN DID RUSSIA EVER BECOME AMERICAS FRIEND????? LIES

  2. Tell me where are any cuts to Billionaires, Corporation, or Congress salaries, benefits??? Subsidies & deregulation.

    Only the uneducated & brainwashed are buying American Hitler. All for saving money, use auditors. Not some ketime freak, vitamins our privacy. How are you politicians sleeping at night to remove the middleclas for New World Order.?

  3. Remember Hoeven is the Chair of the Senate Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, and Food Safety.

    So, of course he’s hyper focused on what’s on the mind of most Americans in his subcommittee: the high price of eggs, right?

    Of course not. His deal was lowering the standards for Salmonella testing for poultry plants.

  4. You're doing a fantastic job! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?

  5. The Billionaires have already grown exponentially yet the rest of us have been shrinking in wealth. So this billionaires are gonna save us with their tax cuts is a bunch of nonsense.

  6. …. Bruh I subbed for local news and I'm fucking allergic to liberal national news. Please tell me I'm not gonna have my brain
    🍇ed by having it forcibly shoved down my throat. Like they've always told us about our religious beliefs: Keep it to yourself.

  7. That wasn't an interview- That was an interrogation in which the interrogator had very little idea what he actually wanted. Don't harass people to educate you when google is free…

  8. The middle class should be exempted from income tax and the billionaires should pay a higher tax rate. There would be no billionaires if it were not for the hard working citizens that keep this country going everyday, while they play golf and fly around on their fancy planes. They became billionaires because working Americans gave them the opportunity to do so. With a little help from a corporate owned Congress.

  9. Despite Joe Biden's insisting the economy was going so great, so why do why do we have such a high cost of living? Liberal news media is blowing smoke up somebody's a**. Neil must have missed the USAID corruption reports. Keep digging, DOGE!

  10. Great job Neil! John, you need to grow some balls and stand up to this absolutely worthless pos trump and his girl-friend musk-rat. All this talk is bs.

  11. I like how the camera angle was changed from the beginning where Hoven was avoiding eye contact and he was made to make eye contact with the change. Glad you haven’t been drinking the kool-aid Neil…..it knocks the common sense completely out and creates puppets.

  12. That was a load……! He frames the whole musk/doge process as an effort to find waste and fraud. The idiot should explain to us how simply querying a database of personnel, then firing those in probationary status (no waste or fraud found and documented) will get rid of waste and fraud. Want to get rid of waste?? Try firing half of all senate and house staffers, as those offices…under leaders like Hoeven, aren't accomplishing a thing!

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