Train slices car in half near Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND ( We have a report of a second serious accident near Grand Forks on this Friday morning. A vehicle was cut in half by a train.
and we’ve had a very serious second uh major accident in grand forks on this friday morning you see here a vehicle appears to be uh cut in half after being hit by a train now this is straight west of grand forks on demers about two miles west of the uh buffalo farm if you know where that is but basically straight west of grand forks on demers no reports yet on whether anyone was injured but it doesn’t look good a vehicle basically uh cut in half after being hit by a train here uh check back later for more details i’m neil carlson reporting for eye dot tv


  1. Neil i get it.this is news.but i wouldnt want to see this in the news first if i knew someone who drives a car that looks like this one.And i do.Maybe u should think about the timing before posting accident scene pics before u know the rest of the story…..Maybe

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