Tornado Strikes Field Near Grand Forks Air Base

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Tornadoes reported west of Grand Forks. We have the video.
everyone Neil Berg back here it’s uh 1:13 p.m. we’re under a tornado warning in Grand fors County we’re getting very heavy rain right now out by the Grand Forks air base about 15 miles uh west of the City of Grand fors kind of see the worst of it uh there was a uh spot saw tornado on the ground by our Villa 19 Mi west of Grand Forks I don’t know if that was still on the ground but it appears the storm want centr it appears the storm is moving Southeast from this point uh basically from the Grand Forks Air Force Base moving Southeast although uh a warning is out for uh all of uh Grand fors County right now from the National Weather Service in Grand fors hang with me here I’m just waiting to hear go aheading there we have have funnel clouds one be the AR area that they spoke about is it moving or touching on the ground we can get turned here uh okay there’s look a possible tornado on the ground to the south of me um going to have to come up to a a County Road here to get you a better view of it hang on we’ll try this okay you can I can’t zoom in too much but it looks like uh possibly that’s a tornado on the ground be straight South of Highway 2 um and I’m about I’m about a mile west of the grand fors Air Force Base can see just off right in the middle of your screen on the horizon going to look pretty small we’re going to pull off here on a crossroad so we can get out of traffic okay it’s almost I don’t know if that’s just a funnel cloud if it’s actually touching it’s you can see it hitting the tree line up there or if it’s a tornado on the ground and again I’m uh hang on here I in it looks like it’s made contact with the clouds now it’s going to be about 2 miles south of County 6 and the 23rd to 25th Street okay so that that may not be a a tornado on the ground it was a funnel cloud starting to dip down you can still see it way back there almost straight in the middle of your screen uh right above the tree line can’t zoom in with this with this camera but you take a look at it okay the rain’s already shot past here and it it appears the Storm at least from this vantage point is going Southeast and would miss uh Totally Miss the City of Grand Forks okay we’ll listen in and follow it a bit more no reports of any damage yet uh we’ll bring you any updates as soon as they’re available uh in gr Forks County I’m Neil Berg reporting for


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