Today, Pete Buttigieg, U.S. Secretary of Transportation, is in Grand Forks

GRAND FORKS, ND ( U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg will be in Grand Forks on Monday talking about the Infrastructure Bill and investments in North Dakota.
U.S Secretary of Transportation Pete bootage will be in Grand Forks on this Monday afternoon talking about the infrastructure Bill and multi-million dollar investments in North Dakota rail projects and direct investments in Grand Forks the infrastructure bill is bringing over 2 billion dollars worth of projects to North Dakota we’ll have his visit to Grand Forks on inews on this Monday afternoon I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Busted pete and biden in green deal. We will ove that you are in bed with china and you all paying people to cause these train wrecks so china can push there new products here. My great grandfather is rolling over in his grave over this anuses in America on the railways that have and are made in America. So people the evidence is out there that they are the cause of these train wrecks that have caused deaths to American people

  2. I like this man, the area has had so many rail crashes,,,and infrastructure failures because of republicans, some federal authority should step in…GOOD JOB

  3. RR is their own monster, why would they get stolen tax? How rich do these people have to be to laugh at the struggling from bio weapon germ war? When do we sue our govt. and military for doing this to us? Or just stop working to feed them, work under the table will make you feel better.

  4. The man can’t even keep the ports running smoothly. (The time before, He needed the military help to fix the issues.). All I’ll say is, ‘Words are just words’, Peter’s Action(s), Or, ‘Lack of them’, Tell me everything. Mr. Buttigieg can always do what Joe Biden does, And blame it on someone else. That’s what I expect. (One more thing, Americans don’t really care what/who he does in his bedroom. ‘His sexual preference doesn’t make him a good professional worker.’

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