Three Individuals Charged in Drug Bust in East Grand Forks

EAST GRAND FORKS, MN ( Three people are facing felony charges, following a surveillance operation in East Grand Forks Monday.
a Monday drug surveillance operation has netted felony charges against three people more charges may be coming officers trailed a car leaving 211 jupiter Drive in East Grand Forks authorities already knew the driver had an outstanding warrant and the car was pulled over in Grand Forks according to court records passenger amber Chapman of Grand Forks had two syringes in her purse she’s been charged with felony possession of drug paraphernalia later the same day officers watched another vehicle leave the same location in these Grand Forks and officers already knew the driver of that vehicle had a suspended license it was pulled over in East Grand Forks and officers allegedly found over two grams of meth Stefan a SWAT louse Kiev Bell Court is facing four felony charges of sale and possession of meth along with a misdemeanor driving while impaired charged and Tanner link of East Grand Forks faces one felony possession of meth charge it appears likely more charges against other suspects in this case will be filed I’m Neil Berg reporting for i news TV

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