The number of COVID-19 cases in Grand Forks rises to 110, leading to quarantine for all 880 employees.

COVID-19 Outbreak In Grand Forks Rises To 110 Cases, All 880 Employees Quarantined

GRAND FORKS, ND ( The number of COVID-19 cases at LM Wind Power in Grand Forks has risen to 110, after 374 of 426 test results have been completed. The entire work force of 880 has been put under quarantine. One person has been hospitalized. More testing will follow.


  1. Thank you for the update Neil! Again I would really like to know how many of these 110 positive cases are symptomatic and what is the severity of the symptoms? How many have been hospitalized and how many are on ventilators? I believe that answers to the above questions should be public information and could give insight into how better to handle this situation.

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