TERRIFYING DISCOVERY: No Body Found in Freezer Along Grand Forks River

GRAND FORKS, ND (trfnews.i234.me) A frightening experience for some teenage girls in Grand Forks. They found a freezer along the river they thought contained a body. Police say it wasn’t.
a frightening experience for some teenage girls in grand forks this is near the north boat landing by riverside park um in the woods here they found a freezer or fridge opened it and thought there was a body inside it was covered with flies and smelled horrible it wasn’t don’t worry here comes the photo just talked with sergeant pemberton who says they investigated and it was packaged meat somebody simply threw away their freezer fridge here down by the river and it was full of spoiled meat so the story turns out good kind of i’m Neil Berg reporting for eye news dot tv


  1. Found bones at the Red River last year and called in the fuzz after I found almost thirty vertebrae. They called CSI and they said they were too small for a human but could be livestock or deer…

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