Zimmerman Woman, Betsy Ann Morine, Charged with Illegal Online Gambling Operation

📍 Zimmerman, MN (trfnews.i234.me)—A Minnesota woman has been charged with multiple gambling-related offenses after a state investigation uncovered an illegal online pull-tab and bingo operation that allegedly generated over $50,000 in transactions. Illegal Gambling Operation Discovered 🔍 Suspect: Betsy Ann Morine🔍 Investigation Start: July 2023🔍 Alleged Activities: Hosting illegal bingo and pull-tab games on Facebook🔍Continue reading Zimmerman Woman, Betsy Ann Morine, Charged with Illegal Online Gambling Operation

Southbound Highway 169 and Fremont Avenue, ZIMMERMAN, Sherburne County Crash

Incident Incident type: Injury ICR: 24603932 Date/Time: 11/13/2024 16:55   District: 2600 St. Cloud Case Information Contact: 320-223-6666 Media Contact: Sgt. Jesse Grabow (218) 639-3168   Location: Southbound Highway 169 and Fremont Avenue, ZIMMERMAN, Sherburne County   Description: The Ford Escape and Chevy Impala were Southbound on Highway 169 when the vehicles collided.    … Continue reading Southbound Highway 169 and Fremont Avenue, ZIMMERMAN, Sherburne County