Multiple-Vehicle Collision and Fire Occur in Clearwater County, Minnesota on Monday Morning

Multi-Vehicle Crash & Fire In Clearwater County, Minnesota Monday Morning CLEARWATER COUNTY, MN ( We had a multi-vehicle crash and fire on Highway 2 in Clearwater County, Minnesota.

Two Consecutive Rollovers Occur Near Bemidji, Minnesota on Thursday Evening

Two Rollovers Within Minutes By Bemidji, Minnesota Thursday Evening BEMIDJI, MN ( We had 2 rollovers within minutes on Highway 2 by Bemidji, Minnesota Thursday evening.

Additional Arrests Occur During Pipeline Protest in Pennington County

More Pipeline Protest Arrests, This Time In Pennington County THIEF RIVER FALLS, MN ( A heavy law enforcement presence at a pipeline protest camp south of Thief River Falls on this Wednesday morning. Two protestors had chained themselves to equipment in an effort to stop construction.

BREAKING NEWS: Two GF Crashes Occur Within 2 Minutes on Wednesday Morning

BREAKING NEWS: 2 Wednesday Morning GF Crashes Within 2 Minutes GRAND FORKS, ND ( Emergency crews were responding to 2 separate Grand Forks crashes that happened within 2 minutes of each other Wednesday morning.

URGENT UPDATE: Two Northern Valley Rollovers Occur Within 15 Minutes

BREAKING NEWS: 2 Northern Valley Rollovers Within 15 Minutes GENTILLY, MN ( Emergency crews were responding to rollover crashes in Grand Forks and Polk County during the Thursday noon hour.

Breaking News: Two Disruptions Occur During Grand Forks City Council Meeting

GRAND FORKS, ND ( We had 2 unrelated incidents during this Monday night Grand Forks City Council meeting. The meeting was put on hold because of a citizen who wouldn’t stop talking. And another man in the audience was arrested on outstanding warrants.

Urgent News Update: Two Late Sunday Afternoon Incidents Occur in Grand Forks, One Involving a Gun Reported

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Police responded to a couple of late Sunday afternoon incidents in Grand Forks. One was reported as involving a gun.

Series of Accidents Occur on Interstate-94 Near Jamestown, North Dakota

JAMESTOWN, ND ( Multiple vehicles were involved involved in construction zone crashes by Jamestown, North Dakota Friday evening.