Devils Lake Police Report Nude Photos of Local Girls Discovered on Suspect’s Phone

Devils Lake Police Say Nude Photos Of Local Girls Found On Suspect's Phone DEVILS LAKE, ND ( Devils Lake, North Dakota Police says nude and partially nude photos of local girls were found the phone of a man from that town. Caleb Dahlen is facing criminal charges.

Nude Suspect in Aurora Stabbing Pleads Guilty: Sentencing Set for July

Brianna Schroeder

AURORA, MN ( – In an unusual case from Aurora, Minnesota, Brianna Schroeder has pleaded guilty to first-degree assault following an April stabbing incident. Schroeder was arrested nude after an extensive search by law enforcement. Court records indicate she was also arrested for indecent exposure in Minneapolis last December. On April 14th, officers responded to… Continue reading Nude Suspect in Aurora Stabbing Pleads Guilty: Sentencing Set for July

Naked Man’s Desperate Plea for Help in Crookston Prompts Emergency Response

CROOKSTON, MN ( – In an unusual incident on Thursday evening in Crookston, Minnesota, police and ambulance services were dispatched following an emergency call reporting a nude man outside a home. The call received at 8:36 p.m., described the man as naked and yelling for help on the 400 block of Holly. The situation further escalated… Continue reading Naked Man’s Desperate Plea for Help in Crookston Prompts Emergency Response

Former Fargo School Employee Charge, Nude Photos Exchange With Student

FARGO, ND ( – A former employee at Davies High School in Fargo, North Dakota is facing criminal charges after allegedly exchanging explicit photos with a male student. Ashley Jordan Peterson, who worked as a positive behavior technician until her termination in October 2023, has been charged with felony promoting sexual performance by a minor… Continue reading Former Fargo School Employee Charge, Nude Photos Exchange With Student

Woman Charged with First-Degree Assault after Bizarre Stabbing Incident on Minnesota Iron Range

Brianna L. Schroeder

AURORA, MN ( – An update has emerged regarding a peculiar crime that unfolded on the Minnesota Iron Range. Brianna Schroeder, a 27-year-old resident of Duluth, has been charged with first-degree assault after an alarming incident that left a 63-year-old man wounded. According to the criminal complaint, on April 14th, at 1:04 p.m., officers responded… Continue reading Woman Charged with First-Degree Assault after Bizarre Stabbing Incident on Minnesota Iron Range