UPDATE: Specialized Dogs Trained to Detect Placenta Deployed in Greywind Search

UPDATE: Special Placenta Sniffing Dogs Brought Into Greywind Search FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Specially trained placenta sniffing dogs are now taking part in the search for missing Fargo woman Savanna Greywind. If you have any information regarding this case you’re asked to call the tip line at: 701-235-7335

Watch Fargo Police News Conference on the Discovery of Savanna Greywind’s Body

Watch Fargo Police News Conference On Finding Body Of Savanna Greywind FARGO, ND (trfnews.i234.me) Fargo Police discuss more details regarding finding the body of Savasnna Greywind Sunday. She had been missing for over a week.