Peter Marshall, the iconic host of the beloved game show “Hollywood Squares,” has passed away at the age of 98. Known for his smooth voice and sharp wit, Marshall spent 16 years as the host, becoming a household name as he quizzed celebrities and entertained millions of viewers. Beyond his game show fame, Marshall was… Continue reading Legendary ‘Hollywood Squares’ Host Peter Marshall Dies at 98
Tag: host
Conservative Firebrand Lou Dobbs Passes Away at 78
Lou Dobbs, the influential conservative commentator and long-time television host, has died at the age of 78. Known for his staunch support of former President Donald Trump and his controversial viewpoints, Dobbs leaves behind a legacy that has deeply impacted American political discourse. Dobbs began his career as a founding anchor for CNN, where he… Continue reading Conservative Firebrand Lou Dobbs Passes Away at 78
Farewell to a Métis Legend: Ray St. Germain Passes Away at 83
Ray St. Germain, a beloved Manitoba Métis musician and country music legend, has died at the age of 83. Known for his rich contributions to Métis culture and the country music scene, St. Germain passed away on Tuesday, June 25, after a prolonged battle with Parkinson’s disease. St. Germain’s career spanned several decades, during which… Continue reading Farewell to a Métis Legend: Ray St. Germain Passes Away at 83
Tejano Music Legend Johnny Canales Passes Away at 77
Johnny Canales, the iconic Tejano singer and beloved television host, passed away on Thursday in Texas at the age of 77. Known for his influential show, “The Johnny Canales Show,” Canales played a pivotal role in introducing Tejano music to a global audience. His show famously helped launch the careers of numerous artists, including the… Continue reading Tejano Music Legend Johnny Canales Passes Away at 77
Catholic Radio Pioneer Al Kresta Passes Away at 72
Al Kresta, a prominent figure in Catholic media and the founder of Ave Maria Radio, passed away on June 15, 2024, at the age of 72 after a brief battle with liver cancer. Known for his compelling voice and unwavering dedication to his faith, Kresta was surrounded by his family at the time of his… Continue reading Catholic Radio Pioneer Al Kresta Passes Away at 72
Grand Forks to Host Northern Valley Police Week Memorial Service
GRAND FORKS, ND ( The 12th Annual Northern VAlley Police Week Memorial Service in Grand Forks Thursday …