Offender Profile Track Offender Offender Primary Information Name: DESAUTEL, WAYNE GRIEVES Aliases: BEDETTO, WAYNE GRIEVES BEOLETTEO, WAYNE GRIEVES BEOLETTO, WAYNE GRIEVES DE SAUTEL, WAYNE GRIEVES Birthdate: 1968 Sex: MALE Race: AMERICAN INDIAN Height: 6′ 0″ Weight: 200 LBS Eye Color: BROWN Hair Color: BROWN Skin: LIGHT BROWN Registration Expiration: 12/26/2042 Risk Level: MODERATE Registration Status:… Continue reading DESAUTEL, WAYNE GRIEVES

Minnesota Grieves as 3 First Responders Fatally Shot On Duty

Minnesota Mourns 3, 1st Responders Shot & Killed In The Line Of Duty BURNSVILLE, MN ( Minnesota is mourning the loss of 3, 1st responders in Burnsville, Minnesota Sunday morning. Two police officers and a medic were shot and killed responding to a domestic violence incident. The shooter is also dead.