Middle Finger to the Law: Perham Man Flees Cops After Warrant Alert!

Jamie Ray Frazee

Clay County, MN (trfnews.i234.me) — Jamie Ray Frazee of Perham, Minnesota, showed little respect for law enforcement during a dramatic encounter on March 24th. According to court documents, a Minnesota State Trooper assisting Moorhead Police with a medical call spotted Frazee driving by. His license plate triggered an alert for an active warrant. When the… Continue reading Middle Finger to the Law: Perham Man Flees Cops After Warrant Alert!

SHOCKING: Homeless Man Arrested for Strangulation in Clay County!

Sundance Blue

Clay County (trfnews.i234.me) — A homeless man, Sundance Blue, 32, already facing criminal charges in Fargo, has now been arrested in Clay County for a violent domestic assault. In the early hours of Thursday morning, Moorhead police responded to the 900 block of 17th Street South at 2:57 a.m. after reports of a victim being choked.… Continue reading SHOCKING: Homeless Man Arrested for Strangulation in Clay County!