Street Preacher in Grand Forks Warns of Impending Damnation

GRAND FORKS, ND ( A street preacher on the campus of the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota says we’re going to Hell.
we had a street preacher on the university of north dakota campus in grand forks on this monday afternoon caused a bit of a stir some arguing with und students just talked with und police chief clark who says the man is registered and can be on campus giving his thoughts and this was behind the new student union i’m told by an eye news viewer that he someone grabbed his sign and took off running the police brought it back all crumpled up uh sorry we didn’t catch him on camera giving his uh speech but we did talk to a und student who was in the crowd yeah he was uh daniel lee uh from alaska he was preaching hardline christian uh ideology on campus he seems to be gone now but i got no idea where he is and mr lee is permitted to be on campus until thursday we’ll try to catch a bit of what he has to say later this week i’m neil carlson reporting for eye news dot tv


  1. The exaggerated hellmongering is nothing new for street preachers – they think they need to enumerate sins and exaggerate hell to awaken people. What makes Daniel John Lee (aka Dnajlion7) unusual is his Uber confrontational approach, which can easily veer into abuse, and his theology, which is a non-trinitarian mix of 19th century perfectionistic revival theology and Hebrew roots. Beyond that I'll let people do their own research. In my opinion this gives real Christianity a very bad name.

  2. His name is Daniel John Lee. Born 1979 in Texas, lives in Juneau Alaska now. Been arrested for threatening people online and for violating a restraining order so if you interview him make sure to ask about that. And ask what happened with his ex wives and his kids.

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