Significant Police Presence Reported at Grand Forks Residence Friday Morning

GRAND FORKS, ND ( We had a large police response to a Grand Forks home Friday morning. Lt. Derik Zimmel of the Grand Forks Police Department explains what happened.
uh Neil Berg here uh you’re looking at video of the 1800 block of second avenue north where we had a large uh police presence on this uh friday morning just before 10. on the phone with me is lieutenant derek zimmel the grand forks police department so what can you tell us what happened well our dispatch center received a call from an individual claiming to be armed in a residence up there and so obviously we we responded to the area through our investigation we were able to eventually make contact with residents within the house and determined that there was not a factual basis for the claims made by the caller so the the people in the house were not the ones that called uh they were not armed there was no emergency ongoing so uh at that point officers stood down and vacated the area okay so kind of a false report nobody injured that’s every indication right now is that it was uh reports falsely made there was no factual basis to the claims being made no injuries were sustained and everything ended safely and that’s always the goal all right sounds good thanks for talking to me absolutely anytime i’m Neil Berg reporting for


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