Significant COVID-19 Outbreak Confirmed at Grand Forks Plant; Awaiting All Test Results

GRAND FORKS, ND ( Officials have confirmed a major outbreak of COVID-19 AT LM Wind Power in Grand Forks. The Health Department says 68 more people have tested positive for Coronavirus in the past 24 hours.
* Officials say the current numbers do not include all the results for the 424 people tested on Thursday. Gov. Burgum will update the situation during a Saturday afternoon news conference.
we have breaking news out of Grand Forks on this Saturday morning the North Dakota Department of Health working with the National Guard have confirmed a major break out of kovat 19 here at LM wind power in Grand Forks they’re now reporting 68 cases of kovat 19 after a mix of 424 employees and contacts were tested Thursday now that’s 68 confirmed cases and around half of the company’s 880 employees have not been tested yet as I news first told you the plant was shut down Tuesday for cleaning after some employees tested positive the GE owned facility produces those massive blades you see on wind generators all over the country Grand Forks attorney David Thompson claims that some employees are telling him that LM wind power left them in the dark about infections at the plant in a statement shared on our Facebook page Thompson says quote ALM glass-fiber employee tested positive twelve days ago and was told by company management not to say anything about the positive diagnosis to other employees even employees with whom the COBIT 19 positive employee worked no other LM glass fiber employees found out about kovat 19 corona virus in the plant until 10 days later unquote again that was a statement from Grand Forks Attorney David Thompson however another LMK employee states he believes the company was taking the proper precautions a man who says he’s an L M employee responding to criticisms that Elam didn’t take proper precautions posted on our Facebook page quote as an L M employee myself I don’t think these claims are truthful there is an overabundance of latex gloves as well as other types of one-time use and reusable gloves there are also those 3m masks available as well as every employee is issued a respirator mask I don’t know anything about the other stuff about hiding possible positive cases I feel that LM took steps to create a safer work environment the only thing that I only think I think they could have done differently is either make everyone wear has at suits 100% of the time during their shift not really feasible or half shut down earlier check back soon for more on this developing story we’ve reached out to a GE spokesperson for comment and we expect to have comments from Grand Forks attorney David Thompson I’m Neil Berg reporting for


  1. Thank you Neil, can you confirm how many of the 68 testing positive are symptomatic? From what I understand test results can be had in as few as 45 minutes now. Why have only half of the employees been tested? Why is it taking days to get the test results?

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