SHOCKING FOOTAGE: Family’s Incredible Encounter with Bear Takes Terrifying Turn Near Erskine, Minnesota

ERSKINE, MN ( An exciting looking at a bear out in the wild quickly turned horrifying for a family near Erskine, Minnesota Sunday evening. The Minnesota DNR has been notified to deal with the incident.
* WARNING! This story contains graphic video of a bear being struck by a vehicle. The bear does manage to limp away into the woods.
an exciting view of a bear out in the wild out on highway 2 between Erskine and mentor Sunday evening quickly turned horrifying for an eye news viewer and family a warning you’re about to see a bear get hit by a truck and trailer the bear does manage to limp back out into the woods at the end of the video again a warning do not view if you don’t want to see this a bear is hit but then does [Music] [Music]


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